Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Great Dying

The darkness has begun,
the light is slowly dying.
There’s no escape from truth,
my dear friend.
Please stop lying
to yourself.
Life & love is just an illusion
I suppose.
There’s no end to the ocean of tears,
pouring from your heart.
The blood and sorrow,
are the truths of tomorrow.
Just accept the pain, as it comes.
Just believe the lies,
and let madness prevail.
Honesty is a myth,
and compassion in abyss.
Do not be brave
to fight darkness.
It’s got no shame.
It consumes you whole,
and ends your game.
Believe me, my friend.
There’s no greatness in living,
or in believing.
There’s no joy in love,
or the kindness you have.
There’s only betrayal,
and melancholy,
that leads you to apocalypse,
with just a pair of scarlet red lips.
Darkness is a seductress.
That’s The Great Dying.

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