Thursday, July 12, 2018

I Offer My Hands To The Shades

Terrified and terrorized, my dreams are numb.
Love, for some reason, has always stayed dumb.
Why did life have so many twists and turns?
So cold the world; yet it burns,
the hearts, the souls and the forest of freedom.
Now, I offer my hands to the shades,
the shades of grief; of disbelief.
I offer my hands,
to the monuments of myriad mirages,
to the chaotic substance of trust,
galvanized with love, yet vulnerable to lust.
I offer my hands,
to the unforgiving purgatory of reality.
I submit to the power beyond insanity.
I was infinite, yet confined to my self.
Now I am free.
Because I’ve offered my hands,
to the shades of glee.

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